
Yes, I’ve been known to write a few verses. They’re in poem form because it lets me leave out a lot of the words I’d have to put in if I was writing regular old narrative. Other people write poems, too, and some of them can be found here. In 1979, Ray Chipault and Rebecca Donicht surprised Dave by publishing what is known as a slim volume of verse called Snake Windings which contained the verses he had written in the late ’70’s. Some of these are reproduced in the following catalogue. These are all dated 1978 and 1979 simply because Dave was remiss in dating the originals. Some may have been written earlier, though probably not much earlier. What I’m trying to say is, even if they look like it, there’s nothing here from high school.

Watching A Gorgeous Blonde In Profile–1981


Poem for Will

(Will Donicht, fellow musician since 1968, died 21-Mar-98.)


Rigdon–The Bit is It 1990 to Richard Feynman

[Here’s one from Jerry Rigdon dedicated to everybody’s favorite astro-physicist:]


Marvell – To His Coy Mistress

To His Coy Mistress – Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)


Should Have – 1982


Rigdon – Take A Number

[Jerry sent me this poem when he realized you can’t buy an apple without a sticker.]


Miss Photo – 1979


Lovelife on the Corner – 1978


Browning – #XXIX

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Sonnets from the Portugese, #XXIX
