Lovelife on the Corner – 1978
Wasn’t that Kathy’s house I saw you leave
Last nite after you’d been home with
Sarah who lives near Jill,
A girl we’ve both known for so long because of her
Acquaintance with Circe and Lilly, whose
Sisters, Barbara and Jane, took off to live in
South Edina with Pete and Bob after dating
Both of us and Mike for so long?
There are no strangers in
The Hip City.
Only past lovers in the wings,
Future lovers presently going
With others you already know.
Nobody moves away and only a select
Few move in.
A sort of love blendor, whirling,
Mixing relationships.
There’s no gossip, only discussion.
You can’t keep a thing from your family
Here in the frozen time-frame
Constant-velocity life around the
World’s biggest crackerbarrel.
No jealousy, fear, embarrassment.
Only cool, collected intimacy,
Sometimes hot when the
Occasion presents itself.
Future lover, past lover now
Involved in the merry-go-round:
You can’t keep a thing from you family
In the world’s biggest small town.
You’re with him now;
I’m with his past lover.
I’ll have my turn, he his.
No rancor; it’s all whirling,
Mixing love–nearly incestuous,
But usually innocuous.
When I holler at you with this poem
I’m trying to say we’re all honourable men.
I don’t covet your wife
Since I have her already.
I expect the same courtesy
Since you have mine now.
Let’s just not be knocking on each other’s doors,
Ringing phones at 7:30 in the damned morning
When we already know what’s going on.
Let’s take our times when we get them–
No crowing, gloating; simply honest
Enjoyment of a fleeting partner’s wholesome,
For the moment undivided
Attention even sometimes LOVE.